Table of Contents
Course Readings on American Healthcare

Igelhart, "The American Health Care System: Introduction" NEJM 1992;326:962-967

Iglehart, "THe American Health Care System: Medicare" NEJM 1992;327:1467

Igelhart, "The American Health Care System: Medicade" NEJM 1994;330;498

Light DW, "Life and Death and the insurance companies." NEJM 1994;330:498

Mick, S. Moscovice, " I. Health Care Professionals," ch 10 in Williams &Torrens, 269-274; 278-281; 291

Davids-Floyd, R. "Obstetric Training As a Rite of Passage" Medical Anthropology Quarterly, V. 1, N3

Wennberg, et. al. "Hospital Use and Mortality among Medicare beneficiaries in Boston and New Haven." NEJM 1989;3321:1168

Numbers, "The Third Party: Health Insurance in America," Leavitt & Numbers, 133-247

Reinhardt, "Reorganizing the financial flows in American health care," Health Affairs, 1993l12 Suppl:172-93

Casalino LP. "Balancing Incentives: How should physicians be reimbursed?" JAMA 1992;267:403

Igelhart, "Medicare begins prospective payment of hospitals." NEJM 1983;308:1428

Fuchs VR, "No Pain no Gain: Perspectives on cost containment." JAMA 1993;269:631

"Total Hip Replacement" NIH consensus conference, JAMA 1995; 273:24: 1950-1956

Mayor & Collier, "The Technology of hip replacement" Scientific American Science & Medicine, May/June 1994 vol 1 n 2:58-67

Relman AS. The new medical-industrial complex." NEJM 1980;303:963

Luce, B. "Medical Technology and its Assesment." Chapter 9, in Williams and Torrens, 245-251; 254-268

Koenig, Barbara, "The Technological Imperative in Medical Practice: The Social Creation of a ‘Routine’ Treatment," in "Biomeddicine Examined, Mararet Lock and Deborah Gordon, eds., pp. 465-496.

Locarlio AR et al. "Relation between malpractice claims and adverse events due to negligence." NEJM 1991;325:245

Leape, L. "Error in Medicine." JAMA, 1994, 272: 1851-57

Singer, "Euthanasia-a critique," NEJM, 1990;322:1881-1888

Quill, "Doctor, I want to die. Will you help?" JAMA 993;270:870-873

Quill, "Death and dignity: a case of individualized decision making" NEJM 1991; 324: 691-694

Pellegrino, "Compassion needs reason too" JAMA 1993;270:874-875

Young, "Patent Medicines and the Self-Help Syndrome," Leavitt & Numbers, 71-78

Bartecchi et al. "The human costs of tobacco use." NEJM 1994;330:907;975

Bartecchi et al. "The human costs of tobacco use." NEJM 1994;330:907;975

Eisenberg, et al. "Unconventional medicine in the United States" NEJM, 1993; 328: 246-252

Reinhardt "Reforming the health care system: the universal dilemma" American Jouranl of Law and Medicine, 1993; 19(1-2):21-36

Relman AS "Controlling costs by managed competition: Would it work?" NEJM 1993;328:133

Igelhart, "The American Helath Care System: Manged Care" NEJM 1992;327:742-747

Kassirer, "Managed Care adn the mortality of the Marketplace" NEJM 1995;333(1) 50-52


Copyright 2000 by David Black-Schaffer